April 30, 2014

A worker manipulates a hot iron rod at a factory in Islamabad, Pakistan.

A gust of wind blows away Pope Francis' cap as he leaves at the end of his weekly general audience, at the Vatican.

School children try to touch a snake during an awareness program on Naag Panchami festival in Mumbai, India. The Hindu festival of Naag Panchami is a day dedicated to the worship of snakes.

School children try to touch a snake during an awareness program on Naag Panchami festival in Mumbai, India. The Hindu festival of Naag Panchami is a day dedicated to the worship of snakes.

School children try to touch a snake during an awareness program on Naag Panchami festival in Mumbai, India. The Hindu festival of Naag Panchami is a day dedicated to the worship of snakes.

A group of recently ordained novice Buddhist monks walk barefoot on a daily almsround through a rural Thai village for their food. The youngsters have chosen to ordain as monks for the summer holidays. (Photo taken by Matthew Richards in Thailand)

A competitor performs at the FMX Course competition during the World Extreme Games in Shanghai, China.

A relative of a woman that recently gave birth to twins holds one of the babies before departing towards Chad's border, escorted by troops from the African Union operation in Central African Republic (MISCA) in the northern town of Kaga Bandoro.

Italian artist Frans looks at his work in the Via Margutta, a small Roman street renowned for inspiring the works of sculptors, painters, poets and film directors, during the annual exhibition “100 Painters on Via Margutta” in Rome.

Great white pelicans swim on a pond at the zoo in Krefeld, western Germany.